Course History


COMP SCI 579 - Virtual Reality

COMP SCI 564 - Database Management Systems

COMP SCI 559 - Computer Graphics

COMP SCI 540 - Intro to Artificial Intelligence

COMP SCI 536 - Intro to Programming Languages and Compilers

COMP SCI 520 - Intro to Theory of Computing

COMP SCI 435 - Intro to Cryptography

COMP SCI 400 - Programming III

COMP SCI 252 - Intro to Computer Engineering

COMP SCI 240 - Intro to Discrete Math

PHILOS 551 - Philosophy of Mind

PHILOS 541 - Modern Ethical Theories

PHILOS 530 - Freedom Fate and Choice

PHILOS 516 - Language and Meaning

PHILOS 512 - Modal Logic

PHILOS 432 - History of Modern Philosophy

PHILOS 430 - History of Ancient Philosophy

PHILOS 211 - Elementary Logic

PHILOS 101 - Introduction to Philosophy

MATH 340 - Elementary Matrix and Linear Algebra

MATH 222 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2

LINGUIS 101 - Human Language

CS&D 210 - Neural Basis of Communication

HISTORY 201 - The Historian's Craft

HISTORY 130 - Intro to World History

ILS 254 - Science and Literature

ENGL 172 - Literatures of Native America


COMPSCI 412 - Computer Organization and System Programming

COMPSCI 382 - Server-Side Scripting

COMPSCI 271 - Assembly Programming

COMPSCI 223 - Data Structures

COMPSCI 220 - Intermediate Java

COMM 110 - Intro to Public Speaking

AP Courses

AP Biology

AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus BC

AP Computer Science

AP Human Geography

AP Language and Composition

AP Physics

AP Physics C

AP Spanish

AP Statistics

AP US Government and Politics

AP US History